Thursday, April 30, 2009

Holy F*#$ing S@%^!

Photo credit: Jim Cole/Associated Press

Or as my dear mater utters, "Holy Flocking Sump Pump!" Obama is going to be able to appoint a Supreme Court Justice. I wonder who? Well, all the guessing has probably already started and the Max Headrooms on the 24-hour news networks are squawking. Bye-bye Arlen Specter as top story. (Has anyone else noticed that Sen. Specter doesn't seem altogether with it? They really need senility tests for legislators.)

David Souter is stepping down. He's the Republican that turned liberal on George H.W. Bush (the first one that didn't break the world but couldn't tell you the price of milk). Wowsa! That is one of the coolest things you can do as a U.S. President. Long after your term is over, the Poobah you placed on the bench hands down rulings and writes decisions that only add to your presidential legacy.

I have to say one of my dream jobs is to be a judge, and, yes, a Supreme Court Justice. I grew up in a courthouse and my love for Judge Judy could never be swayed. It would mean that I would have to become a lawyer first. Yech. Those bastards usually loathe themselves--with good reasons, too. [Two good things about lawyers: 1) They're aware of how they besmirch the world, which is more than I can say about bankers. 2) They're more useful than bankers. Bankers are the scum of the earth, and I've been saying that LONG before this recession.] I don't know if I could survive the debasement of that existence. But, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Now, if only Scalia took it in his head that he needs to spend more time with his family or Cheney. If that happens, I'll never say a bad thing again about Michelle Obama's taste in clothes. Lets face it: either her mama dresses her or she dresses to please Mama. Same diff. That inaugural coat? Two words: embellished lettuce.

I didn't know you could BeDazzle cabbage.

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