Team Yum-Yum
It seems like there's a link between carbon-based life and earthquakes.
"The bigger lesson here is that earthquakes, no matter how individually destructive, are part of a larger reality: an elaborate tectonic system that helps make life possible. Subduction of Earth's plates is essential to the recycling of carbon--and it appears to be no coincidence that the only object in the solar system known to support life is also the only object with tectonic activity. Mars, for example, has no tectonic plates, and appears to be a cold, airless, lifeless planet. The long, fruitful existence of a biosphere may require that a planet be dynamic--and sometimes tragically violent."--- "Tilt," Joel Achenbach
I still refuse to move to California. This new (for me) information would not offer much solace during a earthquake. I just don't want to end my carbon-based life while clinging to a door jamb in tighty-whities and watching the walls fall down. The thought, "Oh, good, more recycling for Mommy Earth!" will fail to override my panic and fear.
If constant ground-shaking helps to create an atmosphere and ecosystem that supports human survival, how do we replicate that on Mars so we can spread our particular virus? Do we pull a 'Michael Bay' and slam the Nuke of All Nukes into Mars' center? Would setting it off create enough instability to give Mars some Earth-like wobble?
I'm sure that's only the first step to terraforming, also known as creating Another Blue Marble. Well, the second step...no, the third step. The first step is to convince Bruce Willis and his crew to man the superheroic flight that will save us all. The second step is to pay Aerosmith to compose a shitty power ballad to commemorate the event. Then, and only then, can we set off the Biggest Mega-Bang Evah. Until we corrupt our second planetary home and need to fuck up Jupiter.
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