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This was on the back of the Susan Sontag obit in "New York" magazine. You might even see Frank's Dunkin' Donuts figure looming over the prone Sontag in the image from the previous post. He's another reason to be proud of Massachusetts. He's one of our Congress representatives. I probably couldn't name another Congressperson from Mass. I know our Senators because there's only two to remember and their names are conveniently alliterative: Kennedy and Kerry. Plus, they've both been there forever and both unsuccessfully ran for POTUS. I might be able to guess another Congressperson---spit out an Irish surname, and I've got a 70% chance of getting it right.
But, I definitely know Frank. President Obama is currently trying to overhaul public health care, and it's the hot topic for D.C. legislators. So, it appears that a bunch of senators and reps are holding "town hall" meetings to communicate with their constituents directly. The (Filthy) Republicans are bedeviling this effort by sending off loonies with bullet point sound bites to grandstand on camera.
- Obama is Hitler or the nihilistic Joker from Chris Nolan's Dark Knight, take your pick.
- Death panels are going to kill your grandparents.
- America is becoming Nazi Germany.
- Dumdums are also showing up with guns strapped to their bodies.
Rep. Frank (D) held one of these meetings, and I'm flabbergasted at the emissary sent by the (Filthy) Republicans. She's not some crabby elder with too much time on their hands. Her appearance is quite relatable. She's young and thin; possesses an enviable pixie cut and tan; and is rocking trendy square shades and a tasteful tunic top worthy of Marc Jacobs. Wow.
I don't know. Maybe, Massachusetts produces a higher-quality wingnut than other states. Or, she's an failed actress stuck in the suburbs and a disappointing marriage. This job is her ticket out of Revolutionary Road. She doesn't seem to wholly believe in her bulldinky statements. Look at her limp waving of Obama as Hitler pictures. If the (filthy) Republicans did hire her for their latest minstrel show, I think they should stick with the tried and true model for future casting. Anyway, Barney Frank puts her down succinctly and without too much effort. Click for the CNN video.
In the "New York" mini-feature, Frank makes a link to overpaid athletes to the high cost of cable bills. And, way back in 2005, Frank was questioning the authenticity and need for Wall Street bonuses. Awesome.
All Hail to Massachusetts!
Renowned in the Hall of Fame
I'll proudly wave her banners,
Emblazoned with Her name!
In unity and brotherhood,
Sons and daughters go hand in hand!
All Hail to Massachusetts!
There is no finer land!
It's M-A-S-S
All Hail to Massachusetts!
All Hail! All Hail! All Hail!
As far as I'm concerned it's the state song.
What can I say? I'm a slut for a good accordion tune.
And, a sea shanty. I'll hit the stroll for sea shanties.
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