An article in the L.A. Times predicts that equal marriage will reign in Maine by the end of the summer. New Jersey and New York will soon be the first Mid-Atlantics to join the party. It also posits that New England's ball of momentum has stirred up activity in Maryland and Hawaii, too.
Ah, Hawaii. In 1994, I thought that Hawaii had made gay marriage legal. I wouldn't believe otherwise until my gay uncles confirmed it. I was so sure. My greatest strength and affliction is how I know it all. I am always right...except once a year. It proves I'm human, and according to my friends, the look on my face is worth all the other 364 days of the year. So, I'm great in debates and trivia games--but a tad obnoxious at cocktail parties. Fast forward to 1999.
I'm rolling my eyes at some straight guy who is talking about the rise of gays and lesbians in popular culture. Mr. Blowhard isn't exactly down with it, and questions the statistic that gays and lesbians make up ten percent of the population. He doesn't think it's 1 in 10. I said, "Right, dummy. It's at least 3 in 10." He scoffs, and I dig my mule feet in. We're going back and forth loudly for about 10 minutes. Finally, someone points out that the phenomenal gay and lesbian talk show on WFNX is named "One in Ten" and maybe there was a reason why.
That stopped me in my tracks, and I had to concede. To save face, I dramatically shuddered and pronounced, "Ugh. The world does not need that many straight people." And, I was giving the blowhard the up-and-down over my shoulder to let everybody know why. That was the night I met my bestest gay friend. He had to chat up the loud bitch in the corner denouncing her straight brethren. Two martinis later, we were bonded for life.
By the way, I didn't believe that statistic (1:10) then, and I don't believe it ten years later. I still say it's 3 in 10, minimum.
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